Pine64 as a DLNA/uPnP Streaming media server for home

Been a while that I used the pine64, so thought I’ll put it to good use by setting up a DLNA/uPnP media streaming server for my LG TV.

I already have a Debian Stretch image running on it for almost an year now. Here’s the link on how to get a Stable Debian (Stretch with Mate) running. For the streaming server, I tried miniDLNA as well as Rygel. miniDLNA failed to stream Videos, while I wasn’t able to get the Rygel up without GUI. Then I found Gerbera, which is based in mediatomb and is headless along with most of the media part of the setup is through WEB GUI. Perfectly suits my needs.


So let’s get straight to the installation. Start with checking if gerbera is available in your repos with
apt-get update
apt-cache search gerbera

If you find it, install it. In my case I had to add a testing repu to my sources.list file like this:
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
deb testing main non-free contrib
deb-src testing main non-free contrib

Then update the repos and install gerbera
apt-get update
apt install gerbera -y

once the installation completes (depending on your internet speeds), check where the executable is and if a user has been created, which it should by default.
which gerbera
id -u gerbera

Also check if the log file is generated (in my case it wasn’t) and create it if its not there:
ls -l /var/log/gerbera
touch /var/log/gerbera

Give it permissions:
chown -Rv gerbera:gerbera /var/log/gerbera
chmod -Rv 0770 /var/log/gerbera

Enable the Web GUI:
vi /etc/gerbera/config.xml

Enable the service to start at bootup:
systemctl enable gerbera.service
systemctl is-enabled gerbera.service

Now start the service and check the GUI web link:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start gerbera.service
systemctl status gerbera.service

systemctl enable gerbera.service
systemctl is-enabled gerbera.service

Now start the service and check the GUI web link.
systemctl start gerbera.service
systemctl status gerbera.service

Congrats Your server is up and running yay !


Configuration is pretty straightforward. Logon to the Web Gui from the service status, in my case http://my-pine64-ip:49152
Now under Filesystem tab, drill down to the folders you want to add to your server library and add them as Autoscan Directories . (Keep it simple, Audio, Video, Photos).

I have a USB drive mounted at /media/pendrive/ Under which I have added all my music to /media/pendrive/Music and /media/pendrive/Video
So I add it to gerbera as below:

1. Filesystem tab => 2. select media directory => 3. add as autoscan directory => 4. Scan mode inotify, Full initial scan and recursive => 5. Set. Then dd next directory. Screen shot below:

Gerbera media setup

By now you should be all set, so now check your DLNA client, in my case, my LG Smart TV. on the Remote control, I go to Input and voila! i see gerbera as an option now!!

Select gerbera, go to music/videos/photos and enjoy your media!

Issues and troubleshooting

Before it all came up online, I did get hit with couple of issues, mostly related to file permissions (which the dev’s may have missed to include in the package). If you get service start failure with below error:

root@pine64:/home/pine64# journalctl -u gerbera.service
Jan 22 22:09:52 pine64 systemd[22400]: gerbera.service: Failed at step USER spawning /usr/bin/gerbera: No such process
Jan 22 22:09:52 pine64 systemd[1]: gerbera.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=217/USER

Jan 22 22:25:34 pine64 gerbera[2298]: Exception raised in [src/storage/sqlite3/] waitForTask(): SQLITE3: (8) attempt to write a readonl
y database

Jan 22 22:25:34 pine64 gerbera[2298]: error: attempt to write a readonly database

Most of these issues are related to file permissions.
Fixed the sqlite3 DB error by:

root@pine64:/home/pine64# ls -l /var/lib/gerbera/gerbera.db
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 57344 Jan 22 21:30 /var/lib/gerbera/gerbera.db
root@pine64:/home/pine64# chown -Rv gerbera:gerbera /var/lib/gerbera/gerbera.db
changed ownership of '/var/lib/gerbera/gerbera.db' from root:root to gerbera:gerbera

Others by:

chown -Rv gerbera:gerbera /var/lib/gerbera/
chmod -Rv 0750 /var/lib/gerbera/
chown -Rv gerbera:gerbera /usr/share/gerbera
chmod -Rv 0750 /usr/share/gerbera/
chown -Rv gerbera:gerbera /lib/systemd/system/gerbera.service
chmod -Rv 0750 /lib/systemd/system/gerbera.service
chown -Rv gerbera:gerbera /etc/gerbera/
chmod -Rv 0750 /etc/gerbera/

vi /gerbera/scripts/systemd/gerbera.service

You can also run the service and check the logs on the fly like this:
/usr/bin/gerbera -c /etc/gerbera/config.xml


vi /gerbera/scripts/systemd/gerbera.service

You can also run the service and check the logs on the fly like this:
/usr/bin/gerbera -c /etc/gerbera/config.xml

vi /gerbera/scripts/systemd/gerbera.service

You can also run the service and check the logs on the fly like this:
/usr/bin/gerbera -c /etc/gerbera/config.xml

That is mostly it. However, if you come accross more issues or have some fun stuff to add to this setup, do leave your comment belo