As Datawind has started distributing the well known Ubislate 7 and 7+ tablet in India, there is now need to root it. The main issue with this tablet is that, it does not have a Google Playstore app preinstalled. This is due to the cost factor. Also, Ubislate by default comes with Android 2.2.2 Froyo and Datawind does not seem to have any plans of upgrades. After rooting the Tablet you can easily remove some of the bloatware apps which slows down your tablet.
The rooting app used in this tutorial is called Ubislate 7+ Multi-Tool is developed by one of the members of xda-developers.com called balamu96m.
If you do not know what is rooting, reconsider your decision before going forward. I should not be held responsible if something goes wrong in the process. You have been warned. !!!
Ubislate Tablets are manufactured in India by a company called Datawind. It is famous for its low price (as low as Rs 2000.00). It is manufactured in collaboration with Government of India’s Aakash tablet initiative. As it is manufactured at a very low cost it lacks a lot of feature a good tablet would usually have. Important thing among which is
- Old Android Operating System – Android 2.2.2 Froyo
- No ADB support – Tablet can not be connected to the computer making it difficult to root.
- No Google Play store app
- Etc.
As u see, Ubislate does not support connecting the tablet to a computer with a data cable, the rooting process is a bit complicated.
Steps for latest version Multi-Tool v3 !!!
Download the latest Ubislate 7+ Multi-Tool v3
- Internet connection with Wi-Fi
- Download Ubislate-7+ Multi-tool v3 by balamu96m
Rooting the Ubislate 7 and 7+
- Turn the Tablet ON
- Go to Settings =>Applications =>Development and enable USB Deugging Enabled
- Got to Settings =>Wireless & Networks =>WiFi Settings =>Advanced => enable Use static IP and enter IP address details (in the range of your computer and router).
- Unzip the Ubislate -+ Multi-tool v3.zip and run Ubislate-7+_Multi-tool.exe program.
- Now all you have to do is follow the self explanatory instructions in the program.
- Once the instructions are complete, close the program and power off your Ubislate.
- Turn the Tablet ON and if everything went right you have a Rooted Ubislate 7 / 7+ tablet !!!!!
- Now check the menu for Google Playstore and install anything you ever wanted !
Steps for old version Multi-Tool v2:
As balamu96m has recently released a new version of Multi-Tool (v3), there is no need of another android device to root Ubislate 7. Below steps are for the old version:
- Internet connection with Wi-Fi
- A spare Android phone/tablet with USB data cable (which can be connected to the computer). You can borrow your friends phone.
- Download Ubislate-7+_Multi-tool by balamu96m
Rooting the Ubislate 7 and 7+
- Turn the Tablet ON
- Go to Settings =>Applications =>Development and enable USB Deugging Enabled
- Got to Settings =>Wireless & Networks =>WiFi Settings =>Advanced => enable Use static IP and enter IP address details (in the range of your computer and router).
- Connect your friends Phone or tablet to your computer (using USB cable and make sure all the drivers are installed).
- Unzip the Ubislate -+ Multi-tool.zip and run Ubislate-7+_Multi-tool.exe program.
- Now all you have to do is follow the self explanatory instructions in the program .
- Once the instructions are complete, close the program and power off your Ubislate.
- Turn the Tablet ON and if everything went right you have a Rooted Ubislate 7 / 7+ tablet !!!!!
- Now check the menu for Google Playstore and install anything you ever wanted !

Thank you so much amogh!!
Dear Amogh,
Thanks for the post.Has anyone tried this?
Yes, it is tested. I’ll soon post some screenshots too.
Dear amogh sir pls guide me how to unzip my file and how to change the same into .exe pls
Hi, I would like to flash my ubislate 7 +tablet, and install a custom firmware… I tried flashing from privacy but it just switches off and doesn’t flash to its manufacturers state… Need help..
It depends on what custom firmware you used. I dont thing custom firmwares, ROMs available will work with this Tab, due to its uniqueness 🙂 I believe Datawind has used Stock froyo with some customization for better performance. Given that their employees were driven by salaries and delivery timelines, i dont think they must have put much efforts to make it as good as you or I would.
I haven’t tried flashing mine yet. Will post on this blog as soon as i do.
I always get “ECHO is off” even after properly installing adb and everything. How to fix this problem?
Where should we unzip the Ubislate -+ Multi-tool.zip ? on the PC HDD or the USB connected phone ? Thanks.
On the PC HDD.
Thanks lot. Will give it a try & let you know the results.
Hi tried using the Multi tool but nothing happens. Tried using the IP & also the same as on my router. I do not get any error message at any stage & the tool shuts itself at the last stage where it asks for superuser.apk. Since I don’t get it I put the 0 option & it shuts down. What do I do ?
Hi Harish,
Download this tool: http://www.mediafire.com/?oog5o7g7ozi0y2p its v3.
u dont need another Android device anymore. It has been updated.
* Enable USB Debugging, connect wifi with static IP on ubislate
* run the Multitool v3, and follow instructions.
First of all you learn how to set IP addresses…
then try this ..this is really working..I have rooted 16 Ubislate tablets on my own using this tool.
So dont be panic. Have basic knowledge of networking and USB dedugging and then try. go ahead…
What is the ip address that you are giving Rajesh. Can you please let us know. I have set the static ip address in the range which DHCP server assigns but yet not working and i ensured that UbiSlate had that ip address.
As you have rooted Ubislate, whether you have tried to unroot it in case of a warranty claim or something like that? Does this s/w can reset the device to its original state?
Unroot option is available in the tool.
V3 brings new features and i’m very happy that it has been useful to many.
For any help, one can post it at my xda thread or here.
I’ll have a look at them !!
xda thread : http:%2%2forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1821812
Hi, i have downloaded the ubislate7+Multitool and when i am trying to unzip it its showing ! G:\Ubislate-7+_Multi-Tool_v3.zip: The archive is either in unknown format or damaged
! Cannot execute “C:\Users\Syed\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EXa0.349\Ubislate-7+_Multi-Tool_v3\adb.exe”
what i need to do.please help me out.
Hi balamu96m & Amogh,
I’ve recently bought the Ubislate 3G7 (WiFi, 3G, Voice calling) Tab. As usual it doesn’t have the Google Apps as Play Store and GMail etc. Please advice me on how to go about to have the Google Play store in it. Also it would be great if you could send me the reply to my email ID: kiraniseries@gmail.com;
Please advice, I’m in desperate need of help.
Sir i have ubislate 7c+ . I tried downloading the multitool from the link specified but it’s withdrawn . Please provide a new one . I somehow manage to root the device with king root but the play Store is still not working . I guess it’s due to multitool . Please help .
Please could you help in setting static ip.
I have BSNL adsl wifi router. I tried different ips. My tablet is not connecting to router.
Please could you give the ip details of computer and tab.
plse insert in the video on the net with unroot…
with tab..for cleare the use of this…..
Hi Rohit,
Download this tool: http://www.mediafire.com/?oog5o7g7ozi0y2p its v3. A newer version.
u dont need another Android device anymore. It has been updated.
* Enable USB Debugging, connect wifi with static IP on ubislate
* run the Multitool v3, and follow instructions.
Mr. Desai , plz upload the video of rooting ubislate7+ and tell us -how to upgrade it’s os.Will it support android keyboard and 3g dongle
i have ubislate 7ci,
when i starting it its showing too many lock patterns attempt.
and asking for gmail user name and password. but its not accepting username password. cz its not connected with net and showing fly mode.
I dont have 7ci to test it, but it should work if its Android 2.2.2 device.
can this work for Ubislate 7 i.e. aakash1. will Ubislate-7+_Multi-tool by balamu96m work for Ubislate7
Yes, it seems it works with the aakash 1. I have not tested it though.
Hello great xda-developer,
Heads off to you.. 🙂
Datawind team is recently launched new Aakash 2 (Ubislate 7Ci) which is andriod 4.0.* version. Could you please provide the steps for rooting this device and also heard that this device has data card connectivity which is restricted to either Tata Photon (for kernal root version is#024) and huawei e353 (for kernal root version is#182) as mentioned by datawind team. It will not detect any other data card like Macromax MMX version etc.. Could you please crack the kernel version which should supports all data cards…that would be the great help for all us indian….Please take this has challenge..Keep me updates on this blogs..
It is indeed a gr8 job, but the credit goes to the developer at XDA. I have just posted it on my blog as it has helped me root my tab 🙂
what is the use of spoofing google play? if hardware does not support apps why would you install them?
i have started encountering problems with all google apps after installing them. they say that there is no internet connection when there actually is one. also i could not uninstall them. plz advice.
there is no option of advance setting in my wifi setting….plz help me
Use an app for setting up static IP. Search playstore for “Static IP”
plz put in ur site aakash reprogramming.zip
dear Amogh Desai
how to connect 3g dongle via mini usb port to ubislate 7ci, t
Hi! Amogh , i tried to root my ubislate 7+ but I could not do it because I have not got any advanced option in wi fi setting in which you were said to unable static ip. I have downloaded ubislate multi tool .zip and also unzipped it in my laptop. one more thing I would like to ask you that can I root my ubislate 7+ tablet with my samsung galaxy y android phone by using wifi hotspot because I access internet with my phone. if it is possible then mail me at manoharhmcl@gmail.com or post in your blog with screen shots.
install this app or some other app to enable static IP on your machine:
hi Mr. Desai
My google play store is not working, i am not able to download any app from play store.
Can u help me for that?
plz reply
Thank you 🙂
Hi Amogh , I want to root my ubislate 7+ as it has software problem, no app is working except wi-fi I have no proper idea of unrooting, although I have downloaded rooting ubislate multi tool .zip and also unzipped it in my computer. I dont know how to unroot ubislate when other app are not responding (force close). So i request you kindly guide me what to do and how to do ? Please Email. me : mahantbrajesh@yahoo.in Thanks.
I a unable to unzip the file in ubislate 7+ how to do it, the file is in my usb and in micro sd card
kindly guide
thank you in advance
ubislate 7+ is very slow .is there any way to flas or reprogram it?
Dear Amogh, I have got UBISLATE 7C+ recently however not able to connect my TATA Photon via USB cable to it. please suggest something to enable internet on TAB via dongle. layman language plz.
Dear amogh
I want just know that can i root ubislate7+ without wifi and also know that after root process can i really access google play store.
VIRUS FOUND……..”EXPLOIT Android/droid” what to do…
kya ubislate 7+ me google play store chalega
Dear Amogh
I want to know the ip address of my ubislate7+
how to upgrade ubislate 7ci from anroid 4.0.4 to anroid4.2
Dear Sir,
Please tell me that how to re install android OS to ubislate 7ci
Please send the step by step wise procedure to install / update my tablet ubislate 7ci
Please helip us .
Thanks & Regards,
Anil kumar
Pls help me…my aakash tablet android 4.0 Was lock by many time enter wrong pattern.pls tell me how to hard (factory) reset on my tablet.any tool and driver for it.
where to do this: in PC or tablet:
Got to Settings =>Wireless & Networks =>WiFi Settings =>Advanced => enable Use static IP and enter IP address details (in the range of your computer and router).
on Tablet. And Chrome can claim anything malicious .. that doest mean it is malicious.. you got to verify.
after downloading this file chrome blocked it saying malicious file..WTF??
hi amogh
i having ubislate 7cz model which having android version 4.2.2.
i am try to use multi tool v.3
but i got below error so can u please help me about this.
You are about to root your tab.
press any key to continue . . .
copying files ……………..
mkdir failed for /sdcard/root-ub7, Permission denied
Roothing …….
Unable to chmod data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin:No such file or directory
when the cursor waits ,type the following command , then press enter :
shell@GT-19100:/ $ ./data/local/tmp/rageagaistthecage-arm5.bin
/system/bin/sh: ./data/local/tmp/rageagainstthecage-arm5.bin: not found
if you have rooted ur 7cz please help me out cause i m not able to root my 7cz
I recently bought a ubislate {7CZ} I rooted my tab and got installed play store as a system application BY SOFTWARE USING A SOFTWARE CALLED “LUCKY PATCHER” the play store was installed but its was showing error in downloading files _———————————–I HAVE ROOT BUT SUGGEST A WAY TO INS TALL AND RUN PLAYSTORE ON MY DEVICE
gyus tool has updated http://www.mediafire.com/download/oog5o7g7ozi0y2p/Ubislate-7%2B_Multi-Tool_v3.zip
dear amogh
where will i find my tab’s ip address?
and also my wifi ip address?
what to do when apps are not installing
doe this method works for 7cz aldo & how to insall playstore in 7cz
please help me with ubislate 7cz
Hi Amogh,
Thanks for such wonderful tutorial.
but ihave one problem this link is not working can you help me for that.
Thanks in Advance.
Please anybody send me this tool on prashantgbhangre@gmail.com.
Dear Amogh,
Pls help me I bought Ubislate 7cztm from snapdeal where it was given that it supports 3g via single but actually it does not support it. I also many games and apps from friends but I cannot update them even I am unable to update my whatsapp Pls help me man pls
During surfing UTC browser I always found virous that’s why can play the uc browser and I try every options even help of net may be some part of slide master’s some part delegated please help sir/mam.
you can use UnlockRoot pro which work for my ubislate 7cz. enjoyyy
,………… have a nice day nd best luck
I have rooted using framewor..its done .
can I now install playstore in my 7cZ??
hi amogh sir am raghu from Bangalore..I was rooted my ubislate 23g7 model-706k. rooting was done but am not able to install Google play services apk . I tried with new version & old versions..I got installed play store but its not doing login because of google play services apk is not installed..
when I try to install Google play services apk its showing parsing problem with the package..
plz help me asap…thanks in advance…
message me @9663336866 or mail me @ crr_raghu2000@yahoo.co.in
I have Ubislate 7C+. I tried your method but not successful. Then searched the net and found that 7C+ is already prerooted by Datawind. Only Play Store is not installed. So I located : forum.xda-developers.com/chef…/solvedroot-install-play-store-t2975643.
Followed and success.
Hi Amogh, I just purchased Ubislate 3g7 tab. I want to root it for Google play store. is it’s procedure as same as 7+?
Sir I have 7c+ but Google play story is not working..please help me
when menu appears says press ur choice when chose 1
then appears press any key when presses says rooting failed pls help me with it
Hi balamu96m & Amogh,
I’ve recently bought the Ubislate 3G7 (WiFi, 3G, Voice calling) Tab. As usual it doesn’t have the Google Apps as Play Store and GMail etc. Please advice me on how to go about to have the Google Play store in it. Also it would be great if you could send me the reply to my email ID: kiraniseries@gmail.com;
Please advice, I’m in desperate need of help.
Mene multi tool v3 dawnlod kiya par vo tab me nhi khul rha h
Play store
I have your 7cz model tablet in that i wont to create google account but in login or creation it gives an error which shows
“unfortunately has a stopped” i reset the tablet but no result found i call on your customer tollfree no. but no proper satisfactions form ther.
Hi amogh , is above steps are valid for ubislate 7 CZ ?
nice app
How to play store download
Ubislate4.4.2kitkatplaystore not download and run
Please play store download my tablate
How to unzip multitool vr 3
hi Amogh
i have UBISLATE 7DC and i have done whole the process for installing google apps as you told. after restart when i click on the play store app it tells like”unfortunately play store has stopped”,
please help me bro……….
Thanks inadvace.
Hi amogh disai I am shrikant I have datawind ubislate 7cz with android version 4.4 it is 2g calling tablet model DW-UBT27CZ how can I get a working Google playstore on it I have once downloaded it and also Google play services but message came unfortunetly Google play services has stopped how can I solve this please instruct steps how to get Google playstore and Google services on it
This Tool is not working. Its saying can`t connect your tab. I changed multiple ip`s also.
Please help me and support me if you can asap.
I’ve recently bought the Ubislate 3G7 (WiFi, 3G, Voice calling) Tab. As usual it doesn’t have the Google Apps as Play Store and GMail etc. Please advice me on how to go about to have the Google Play store in it. Also it would be great if you could send me the reply to my email or what’s Ap 9134977249 ;Please advice, I’m in desperate need of help.
hello sir i m bhagi i m using datawind 7dcx how i can root my device and can install google play store and google play service
Can I do this process for my ubislate 7DC* ….??? PLZ GIVE UR VALUABLE OPINION..
Hi ,
I have a 7C+ Edge Tablet , wanted to upgrade it from 4.2 to 4.4.4. PLease suggest, have tried LiveSuit, Phoenix and SPTool but tablet not detected on these software so. Kinda bad luck