Everyone loves movies both old and new. Most of todays movies can be watched in theaters, but you cant help but buy Classics on DVDs or from other online services like bigflix. Most people love Youtube and fewer know that youtube hold a huge collection of “Free” movies mostly classics which are uploaded by their legitimate owners. Though these movies are free, it can be tiresome, to quickly find a legally available movie online (and more tiresome if its and Indian flick). In such a situation a website called Zero Dollar Movies come to your rescue. It not only features legit free movies on youtube, it does it in a nice way. It only features Legitimate and Free Movies available only on Youtube in a nice graphic interface. You can easily narrow your movie search by a drop down, which lets you select movies by their language and year of release. Currently this site features English, Bollywood, Telugu and Tamil movies. Though this site is fairly new, more features and Genres / Languages should be coming in future.